Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Wonders of Science!

We live in amazing times. Most of the doodads and gadgets we play with today were but the fevered dreams of science fiction writers when I was in school. But we haven't achieved the biggest goal of all: cheap, non-polluting energy for the whole world. Still, there is hope. Here, check this out:

It's the talk Bill Gates gave at the recent TED meeting. Can we ever, truly, get down to zero CO2 emissions? I don't know, but I'm reminded of this quote from Buckminster Fuller's "I Seem To Be A Verb":

"When there was not enough whale oil or coal oil, there were not enough lamps to go around, some said that what was needed was social engineering, to move more people to the lamplight available. What was really needed was one Edison."

Somebody out there is working right now to become that next Edison. Education was, is and shall always be the key to solving society's problems. It irks me no end when I hear things like that numbskulled state senator in Utah who wants to solve the state's budget shortfall by COMPLETELY ELIMINATING the 12th grade in all public high schools in Utah.

I read science and I'm fascinated by things scientific. But I'm not a scientist. I won't be that next Edison. How about you? Would you like to save the world? Will you?


Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)