Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another rejection

Got another rejection notice this morning. FriedFiction rejected "The Return of Doctor Schull". Still working on monster-hunting kid vs vampire elf short story. Got the blues playing - right now, it's the great T-Bone Walker bending string on "I Hate To See You Go".

Helped the Lady Diane with a vendor problem - a familiar story: jerkoff idiots in IT (and I should know because I work in that field) that rolled an upgrade or a change to their servers without testing it. Result: client's email gets blowed up good for almost two days with no freakin' explanation, contact or even the barest attempt at giving customer support. After messing around with SMTP settings and port numbers, it's all back to normal...but this third-party joke of a company has now been fired by my lovely wife.

And now, back to writing!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The eternal waiting...

Saturday morning. Waiting, eternally it seems, to hear back from magazines, agents and publishers over the many submissions I've made over the last few weeks. I guess that's just part and parcel of the writer's life. Oh, well...I'll just keep waiting.

Taking poor Fred the Wonder Terrier to see his doggie doctor today. Poor guy, his tummy's giving him lots of problems. He's not eating much, either. Fingers crossed.

Rewriting "The Return of Doctor Schull" from top to bottom. I'm trying very diligently to follow Heinlein's Rules of Writing - especially "show, don't tell." It can be tough because it's forcing me to rewrite almost the whole thing, but the results are better than expected. More action, more atmosphere, and a lot less boring exposition. Once I'm done, it goes back out on the market...that's another of Heinlein's rules: put your writing out on the market and keep it there until it sells.

That's the writer's life for you!