Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Night with a Newcastle....ahhh!

Sittin' and drinkin', just typin' away. Oh, I found a great site to post my writings! Go, click on the title, follow the link! It'll take you to and I've got the FULL text of "The Curse of the Golden Inca" up there, revised/edited and kickin' ass, just waitin' for you to go and read it! I've also got "The Return of Doctor Schull" there, also! Two kick-ass adventures from MY pulp adventure hero waitin' for you, and they're FREE! Just do a search for "Tony_Castro" and you'll see 'em all!

See what one beer does to me?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rainy Tuesday...

It's raining pretty hard in Novato. Nobody wants to go outside but at least the telephone lines ain't down. What am I working on now: well, I got my first query package out last week! It went to the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency in NYC - from what I've seen, he seems to have a fondness for romance/SF/suspense books that could ideally generate a franchise. I think the good doctor fits that criteria to a T, n'est ce pas?

I'm also working on a new short story about an extremely ill-fated expedition looking for a lost city. Violent, sexy, bloody...I'm aiming for something that's got a 'film-noir' taste to it in terms of dialogue and character. Temporary title is "The Stone Guardians", my goal is to finish it this week and post it on for comments and criticism.

The Lady Diane is hard at work with her company, SOS4Seniors, and the Senior Lifestyle Exchange group. It's all about helping seniors figure out the complicated morass that is deciding whether to stay in their homes or move to a retirement community. Believe me, it ain't a simple or easy one! You can check it all out here:

As for Fred The Wonder Terrier...he's just being a big lazybones, sacked out on one of his many beds! I guess he figures his job around here is mainly inspirational so he doesn't have to do more than just be around. And you know what? He's right!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's been a busy time!

Well, I sure am glad the holidays are over. Not that it wasn't fun, but it sure was busy! But, I reached a major milestone - I finished my first novel! The name is "The Curse of the Golden Inca", starring Doctor Schull! I've entered chapter 1 in the San Francisco Writers Conference contest for writers (keepin' my fingers crossed!) and working on my proposal to literary agents...I want this thing published and I'm not quitting until it happens!