Thursday, September 30, 2010

As always...ONE MORE THING!

Since I can't seem to find a writer's group that fits me around here, I'm forming my own! So, if you're a writer (published or not) and you live in the SF/fantasy/horror neighborhood, drop me a line at

Join the Metaluna Society and make the world safe for great writing!

I'm back, baby!

I know, I know. It's been awhile since I posted anything new here. I've been busy. You know, life and other stuff. Lady Di is hard at work with her business, Young at Heart Communications. I'm still banging away at my keyboard writing stuff that nobody wants to buy. every writer knows, you must have a certain amount of both arrogance and narcissism to survive this lifestyle. I'm accumulating quite a collection of rejection slips but I'm getting better at shrugging off the disappointment and write it off to fershluginner editorial assistants with no attention span or taste. Unless, of course, you ARE an editorial assistant reading this in which case I have to commend you on your impeccable taste and have you checked out my stuff at:

We have a very nice young man staying as our boarder until the end of the year. His name is Maxime Paulus, from France, and he's working as an intern for a local tech company. Bright kid with a lot of ambition and brains. And well-mannered, to boot.

As for my beloved Freddy...well, he's now a special-needs pooch. Yes, the time has finally come to admit that poor Fred is now completely blind. He doesn't seem to mind, though. It's amazing how well dogs can adapt to losing a sense or a limb.

Politically, I'm still a damn liberal. I truly hope that Meg Whitman, or Queen Meg, loses and loses badly. A plutocratic hypocrite who didn't bother to register until a couple of years ago, has broken the all-time record for personal money blown in a political campaign, and knowingly employed (and allegedly abused) an illegal immigrant as housekeeper and nanny. Oh, don't forget that the reason she gave for not registering was that she was too busy raising her why the nanny? I'm glad that Gloria Allred (as annoying and hateful as she can be) has produced the evidence publicly. Jerry Brown may be a career politician but, damn it all, isn't experience what we want in a governor?

Well, enough of the ranting. Back to writing!